Strengthened coordination through improved knowledge on available HIS and data systems and investments.

DPRS Support
certificate presentation
  • The Health Partners’ Project and Data Mapping tool (HPPDM) was developed to improve accountability, transparency and reduce duplication of efforts from health partners and donors in Nigeria. It was hosted on the Federal Ministry of Health’s (FMoH) website, presented at health data governance meetings, approved by the Honourable Minister of Health (prof. Isaac Adewole) and can be accessed at:
  • To promote the consolidation of health information resources, dashboards displaying both National Health Management Information System (NHMIS) data and National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) immunization data were developed, with screens placed in the FMoH and the NPHCDA;
  • Lastly, for better organization of resources, the eHealth for Everyone Foundation was also able to set up a digital library for the DHPRS-M&E team.